POLITEIA – Established in 1995, Politeia is a forum for discussing economic, constitutional and social policy. It focuses on the role of the state in people’s lives. Politeia aims to encourage the best policies for a free society under the rule of law, a prosperous economy based on free markets and competition, and excellent systems for education, health care and pensions.
Politeia works with leading authorities from both Britain and abroad, pioneers from the legal profession, academic life, the economy, business and politics. With them, Politeia publishes up to date research and analyses, and makes proposals on which successful government policy can be based. It also hosts conferences and events to discuss the details of policy. Read More
Our Impact
Government & Healthcare
Covid-19 Contact Tracing by Anthony Speaight QC urges ministers to ‘seize the chance to opt for a different app that protects liberty and does the job!’ On 18th June the government announced it will now adopt the Apple-Google design model.
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As an independent and sovereign power and a trading nation, the UK has succeeded as a competitive market economy under the rule of law. The foundations for successful economic policy have been set out in the analyses of Professors Tim Congdon, Vito Tanzi and Dr Ludger Schuknecht. David B Smith’s has focused on the size of the state and levels of tax, and economists such as Roger Bootle and Patrick Minford on explaining the economic implications of leaving the EU.
Now that the UK intends to trade as an independent power and strike new trade deals globally and with the EU, its economic policy will be governed by UK laws. Politeia’s work has set out the legal framework for successful trade in goods and services with both the EU and globally, along the lines now adopted by the UK government.
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Legal, Constitutional, Democratic
Restoring constitutional sovereignty has been at the heart of Politeia’s proposals to ensure the UK’s freedom to frame its own laws and conduct its economy and way of life in line with people’s wishes. These have played a significant role in informing the national debate to become mainstream government policy under Boris Johnson’s government. They include contributions by Martin Howe QC over a number of years with more recent contributions from Sir Richard Aikens and Dr. Thomas Grant on how to replace the rejected 2025 Withdrawal Agreement with arrangements for a future UK-EU relationship that would honour the decision to restore constitutional independence…
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Politeia’s Curriculum and GCSE proposals provided the foundations for the new school curriculum and GCSEs in subjects such as maths and history. They put essential knowledge at the heart of the new curriculum, and give schools and teachers freedom to teach. Other analyses in the Comparing Standards series successfully proposed teacher training reform and a re-think of Vocational Education for 16-19 year olds.
Politeia’s healthcare reform series makes three key principles central to NHS reform – greater accountability to patients, supply side competition, transparent funding. Some proposals were adopted incrementally during the reforms of the Blair years to put the patient, not the provider, in charge of NHS change. But in the past decade, funding has been increased and state power entrenched in the centralised system. Now real change is needed to put power in the hands of the patients and adopt features of systems in other countries, which succeed because they encourage a range of providers competing at every level.
What They Say
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Brexit & Beyond: Unfinished Business | 06/02/19 | Politeia
Deal, no deal? What's the best course for Britain? | 21/11/18
Negotiating Brexit: The UK a Global Trading Nation | 19/07/18